In most cases, the first experiences with alcohol are positive. A happy company with many different alcoholic beverages or a glass of wine with a friend, the first glass of champagne and the first kiss. For all women, the path to alcoholism begins differently, but at the same time the same.
Someone stops over a festive glass of wine while someone tries to regain the ease of the first experience with the help of alcohol. There are times when a person cannot stop drinking from the very beginning for other reasons. Alcoholic beverages seek to forget problems or prove something to oneself and friends with their help. Often, with the help of alcohol, the emptiness associated with the loss of a loved one or the fact that a person could not find himself / herself in life is replaced.

It is particularly difficult for women to tolerate alcohol. You will be drawn into drinking faster. The female body rebuilds itself very quickly, chemical reactions in the brain change, the blood circulation is disturbed. After you started consuming alcohol at a young age, you can become a chronic alcoholic by the age of three.
The alcoholic never admits his illness
In the evening several bottles of beer in the company. First on the weekend, then after work. The sentence often heard by a drinking woman: "I am not an alcoholic, I can always stop", sounds after every drink a new dose of alcohol.
According to the women who stopped drinking, they did not see anything bad at that point during the time they succumbed to the disease. To fill the void and the increasingly common depression, they switched from light alcohol to heavy alcohol. Vodka became a constant companion of the evening. A lack of alcohol leads to apathy, and some have suicidal tendencies. Only a glass of vodka can bring them back to the state they want to live in.
The next stage is when alcohol is consumed in such an amount that a person loses their memory. The poisoning of the body becomes more and more severe. At this level, the woman no longer remembers who she drank with yesterday, what she told the people around her, what she basically did.
At this stage, the woman will no longer be able to stop drinking alone and without assistance. And it's not just because of the physiology and the body's need for a new dose of alcohol. And also because the company that gathers around him is the same. It is impossible to break this circle because everyone considers such a life to be normal. And not because it is so, but because everyone is in the same state.
Expert opinion: "Characteristics of female alcoholism. Is there a difference between female and male alcoholism? "
What happens to the body on a physical level
With alcohol dependence, irreversible changes occur throughout the body. But especially in the brain, kidneys and liver. The endocrine system and the reproductive organs are also badly affected. A woman who drinks can no longer give birth or give birth to a child if the treatment and detoxification of the body do not proceed, and when she gives birth, such children are mostly ill. Their genetic code is changed in the womb by alcohol.
In some cases, this is not noticeable externally, but the disease can manifest itself as early as the first days of life. If the mother drank during pregnancy, the newborn will experience severe withdrawal symptoms - alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Already in the first hours of his life, when the alcohol in his mother's blood no longer flows, it begins to twist. These babies cry incessantly and cannot live their first few hours without sedatives.

Men become incapable of sexual intercourse. Alcohol initially causes the inability to get pregnant as it simply kills the sperm and then basically reduces the possibility of sexual intercourse. The health of the unborn child does not only depend on the mother, but also on the father, who transmits the genetic code changed by alcohol to them.
Why don't alcoholics stop drinking? Since they cannot see each other from the outside, the disease is in principle not perceived by the disease. A week without vodka will be practically impossible. However, this is not associated with the disease, but rather means: "There is reason to celebrate. " The reason is simply sucked out of the finger.
Such people can no longer stop drinking on their own. They blame everyone for their failed lives - husbands, wives, parents, bosses. Everyone is to blame for their illness, except themselves. Their world is gray and joyless without a new helping of alcohol, they see nothing else but to look for 100 grams of vodka or a bottle of beer.
What to do and how to cure a woman from alcoholism
Dose reduction is not a treatment option. You will not be able to gradually give up alcohol. You need to stop drinking suddenly and immediately and never go back to alcohol. This requires remarkable willpower and very serious support from loved ones.
While history may know when a woman stopped drinking on her own, they are extremely rare. What's the catch? It will not be possible to simply remove alcohol from life. In its place should be something that will bring joy and pleasure. A psychologist will help you find that "something". Perhaps this has to find a new job that is pleasing and makes money. Or it will be enough to find a new hobby, hobby.
A healthy lifestyle is popular. Exercise and vigorous exercise can trigger the same adrenaline rush as alcohol. In addition, the immediate environment is changing. And instead of puffy faces with disgusting fumes, people are bursting with health. Gym, swimming pool, morning jogging at the stadium - all of these can replace alcohol for most women.
What to Expect When Throwing Alcohol
The first few days there will be a strong desire to drink. Irritability, anger, the desire to kill someone - all of this is alcohol. Breakdown by relatives, children, parents. And if they cannot withstand the stress, cannot support it, then the alcoholic drinks again.
When you feel the desire to stop drinking, make the process painless. Go to the clinic. Not only will they relieve your family's stress and pain, but they will also help you through the adjustment process more easily.
A skilled psychologist who specializes in alcohol addiction will help you find the reasons that make you drink. His help and participation will be difficult to overestimate, for it is he who can find a substitute for alcohol, help find yourself, escape depression.
If it turns out that you stopped drinking yourself, hold on. Remember, there are no ex-alcoholics. Every society of people who drink alcohol should take the tenth way. You have to change the environment and find your own way. In no case do not get lost, do not drink a bottle of beer. Remember how it all began - with just one bottle, one sip.
Life changes are difficult for an alcoholic, especially for a woman. But it is possible if you have the support and the will to live.
What is alcoholic beverages about and why is it difficult to refuse? Because alcohol is broken down in the body, it gives an extraordinary boost of energy. And if at that moment a happy event happens, it "anchors" itself with the consumption of alcohol.
In simple terms - a person does not stop drinking just because they are trying to evoke these sensations when everything was high for them. Even if he no longer remembers what preceded the alcohol consumption, he continues to try to reproduce this mood, the feeling of happiness.
But that's only at the beginning. In addition, alcohol and decay products penetrate nerve cells, destroy them and create new stable connections. At that moment, a person cannot stop drinking just because they physically need alcohol. It relieves depression, eliminates tremors in the limbs (hand tremors), dilates blood vessels.
The next level is the binge. It is no longer possible to stop drinking alone in this state. Here you need a specialist who will get you out of the intoxication, carry out a detox and prescribe treatment. Will withdrawal from heavy drinking be a way out and will a person be able to stop drinking at the same time? No. Further psychological treatment is required.